Saturday, March 23, 2013

Group Assignment 1: Window Display ( Presentation & Exhibition)

          Welcome to Pixel Square, our little arcade~ Where each group have displayed their own window display assignment, the games include: mario, tetris, pac-man, air hockey, whack-a-mole, and checkers.

Group Assignment 1: Window Display (Final Touch Up)

         After all those measuiring,cutting and pasting work, we have finally come to an end to our window display group assignment.

Final pasting work and the making of console

A litlle picture time while pasting

Other group's display

The learning outcome of this assignment is that pre-planning is importatnt to start your work, but at the same time improvisation also play an important roles as there are no perfect plans in this world. Teamwork is also one of the value I manage to gain from this exercise.

Group Assignment 1: Window Display (Progress 2)

       As day goes by, our progress of the window display are coming to an end, well almost. Here are a few updates:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Group Assignment 1: Window Display (Progress)

             Today during our 2d design class, we were given time to continue our work on the group assignment, we manage to cut out out 2d blocks for the tertris and also the 3d boxes model. We also manage to finish the border for the 'screen', now all we have to do is the console and the layouts.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Group Assignment 1: Window Display (Discussion 2)

          Hello everyone, we have done a couple more discussion and we have manage to come up with our game's console layout, tetris' blocks design, and also the placement of box.


How to make our boxes

blocks' placement

blocks' design and also layer

Group Assignment 1: Window Display (Discussion 1)

         As we continue our discussion on the tutorial class of 2d design, we have come up with the story linking our games with other group's .This how the interlinking between game will roughly look like:

And also the basic main idea for my group's game (tetris), we have measured the require space for our games, and also we have come up with the signage for our game.

Group Assignment 1: Window Display

       During the tutorial, we talked about how sometimes when we stop by a window display of a shop in a mall, and so we were given the task to design our own window display and its element to attract people's attention to stop by 'your shop'. 1st we need to decide on the theme that we will be using for our window display, we narrow out it down to 3 out of 20 plus themes and these 3 are greek myth, classical game, and cartoons. Among these 3, classical game were chosen as our common theme for the whole class, the discussion continue as we decide what classical game we will be using, and the chosen game was MARIO, PAC-MAN, TETRIS, WHACK-A-MOLE, AIR HOCKEY, and CHECKERS. And the we split ourselves into group and assign each team with their specific game and jobs. Below are the list of group :

After we split ourselves into groups, we started to decide the space we will make use of, and this how it will roughly look like: