Sunday, October 7, 2012

Color Theory Group Assignment

      For the group assignment, we were give the task of creating a color wheel, but not just a simply color wheel, we have to use our creativity to come up with something interesting. After the discussion, our team decide to use colored rice to make the color wheel. As for patterns, we were going to do a spiral and some flowing waves, but Ms.Lisa advice us to make it more interesting instead of just plain patterns, she told us to explorer it and try mixing with other culture because our color wheel concept is somewhat based on the Indian tradition culture sand painting which the will do the most during Deepavali. She said because our color wheel are 'free' of the bound of physical forms, it has more possibilities to make it more interesting. (Progress will be updated soon)

Initial Idea Draft:

Color Theory Individual Assignment Progress

       This individual assignment requires us to create 2 versions of portrait based on your subject matters using different color values. We may choose to do it manually or digitally.

1st attempt:

       For my 1st attempt, I used some basic hot and cold color value to play around and get the hang of the software I used to c what kind of different effect it can make. I'm quite satisfy with the color values but the background makes it looks very sophisticated and not very eye pleasing. So i decide to pick a different subject matters with a less sophisticated background.

2nd attempt:

       A little less sophisticated than the last 1 but the background are taking away the color values in my subject matter.

3rd attempt:

       For the 1st portraits, I used blue analogous color and I decided to use a white background because it will bring bring out the color of blue. For the second portrait i used red-ish and orange-ish pastel series, I know in this portraits most of the color stand out better in a black background but i decide not to use it because there is brown color in my portrait and using black background might take away its value.

Lecture on Color Theory

           On the previous POD lecture, Ms.Lisa brief us about the study of color, there 3 types of color in the color wheel: primary color, secondary color and tertiary color. Colors that are arrange side by side in the color wheel are called analogous color, analogous color has a similar but differnet intensity color scheme. Colors that are directly opposite each other are called complementary colors, it allows to create a maximum constrast  and stability. Part of color theory also consist of color harmony which teaches us to mix and match colors in a more compatible way to make it looks eye pleasing. And after the lecture we were given an individual assignment and group assignment.