Sunday, October 7, 2012

Color Theory Individual Assignment Progress

       This individual assignment requires us to create 2 versions of portrait based on your subject matters using different color values. We may choose to do it manually or digitally.

1st attempt:

       For my 1st attempt, I used some basic hot and cold color value to play around and get the hang of the software I used to c what kind of different effect it can make. I'm quite satisfy with the color values but the background makes it looks very sophisticated and not very eye pleasing. So i decide to pick a different subject matters with a less sophisticated background.

2nd attempt:

       A little less sophisticated than the last 1 but the background are taking away the color values in my subject matter.

3rd attempt:

       For the 1st portraits, I used blue analogous color and I decided to use a white background because it will bring bring out the color of blue. For the second portrait i used red-ish and orange-ish pastel series, I know in this portraits most of the color stand out better in a black background but i decide not to use it because there is brown color in my portrait and using black background might take away its value.

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