Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Paper Cut Out Presentation

~Phantasmal fairy~
For this piece of work, i kind of wanna make it like a ancient wall painting recording the fairies mystical and super natural abilities, the colour combination of black and white also add a little mysterious feeling it, and also i tried to make it look as illusionary/phantasmal as possible, but because of my lack of skills this is the result.

~Angel Of Night~
For this piece of work, i used the movie 'charlie's angel' and the game 'Bayonetta' as my guide lines, the similarities of those 2 mentioned above is beautiful and hot lady fighting in a stylish, sexy and 'badass' kind of way, so i cut out a 'sexy' posed lady angel figure standing at the roof of building in the night giving the feeling like 'evil doer beware, this sexy lady is gonna kick your butt'. However, the colours combination didn't really turn out well because they are all neon colours to bring out dominance because all of the neon colours all very eye catching.

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