Monday, August 27, 2012

1st group work, create your own furniture!

               This is the 1st group assignment given to us for the Principle of Design, we had to do discussion, mind mapping and brain storming of ideas before getting start on our furniture. We 1st had to decide what furniture what we are going to make, and we were given some time to do the discussion before making a unofficial presentation on our furniture concept, the materials we will be using and the function of it.The idea and concept we present doesn't have to be our final decision. We were given 3 weeks of time to make this furniture. However we have to finalize and present our furniture concept and present it on 28 of August.

               Me and my group decide that each group member come up with the concept art of their desire furniture, after that we will compare, choose and combine the different ideas of our group member and finalize it to present it on 28 August.

               For my furniture concept, I decided that it will be a TV table, the possible materials I would use to build it would be newspaper rolls, thick cardboard, cellophane tape, CD stacks, and maybe wood planks and nails if we can find any. The design would be that of usual TV table with built in lower shelf to place the DVD player (etc.) and there would also be a remote control placer at the side of this furniture. The colour theme this furniture would be black which i think would make a bit classy, and the rationale of this concept is convenience, majority of the family always misplaced their TV remote after watching TV, and to make it convenient for them we make remote control placer for this purpose. And there is also a lower shelf for them to plac etheir DVD player which is quite convenient because they don't have to buy another shelf just to place their DVD player.


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