Monday, August 27, 2012

2nd lesson on POD

           Today we were given the task to take photos of a certain theme using our black mounting board frame and capture it within the frame range. This assignment aimed to improve our theme focusing ability and framing skills, these 2 skills help us to place our design properly in the image and balance it out and making feel good to look at it. We were given 1 and a half hour to go around campus to capture object based on the theme we have slected. Among the picture we have to narrow it down to 20 of them, after that we will need to add another 30 picture from other place with the same theme to make short film using any media software we desire, and we will need to give that film a name based on theme we have selected. Sadly most of the pictures I took in the campus are not specific enough to show my theme, so I have to recapture 50 picture from different places and different object, but now I have learned how to be specific and properly place my object (well a lil bit better) to make it look nicer and less sophisticated.

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